
“All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made” (John 1:3 ESV).

As I mentioned last time, God is the Word. What I didn’t go on to say is that Jesus Christ is the Word and Jesus Christ is God. It is all woven together beautifully throughout the Scriptures, but especially in the Gospel of John. This same Jesus Christ is the creator of all that exists.

I once heard a macrobiologist and a microbiologist interviewed. Wow! Wow! Wow!

The universe is unimaginably immense. Jesus made that.

An individual cell is unimaginably complex. Jesus made that.

There are plants and creatures on Earth we haven’t even found yet. Jesus made those.

And the mysteries of the universe? We haven’t even scratched the surface. Jesus made those too.

We rush from Point A to Point B, most of us never considering the wonders all around us…and the wonders within.

It warrants study. It warrants awe. And to know that Jesus created mankind, knowing how far we’d stray from His ways, knowing He’d have to come to earth to live as a man, die as a thief, and rise as the God He is to redeem us, should stop us in our tracks. He looked down the annals of history and said, “They’re worth it.” Now that is truly awesome!